#IncomingElliott: Jared Awner

Blog_ #EI Anwer(2) Jared Awner, MA Security Policy Studies, #IncomingElliott Current Student

Jared Awner was born in Washington D.C. and raised in Rockville, Maryland until moving to Connecticut where he enlisted and served the Military Intelligence Corps of the US Army as a Human Intelligence Collector. After eight years he left the service to complete his BA in International Studies from the University of Miami, including a semester abroad at Charles University in the Czech Republic, and with minors in English Literature, History, and Religious Studies. While assisting members of the University of Miami UHealth community reach their fitness goals and assimilating to civilian life, he also served as the Veteran Student Senator in Student Government, introducing a number of projects to better assist student Veterans to succeed at the University. His passion for human intelligence, interaction, and collaboration alongside the intelligence community is the driving factor behind his studies. He will be starting his Master’s in Security Policy Studies this fall at the Elliott School.

What made you interested in your MA program of choice? 

When I first heard about the Elliott School, I was instantly hooked. It’s reputation amongst the top-rated universities in capital IR, its faculty, alumni network, location, everything. But what most attracted me to the MA program in Security Policy Studies was the close relationship between its curriculum and my role as a Soldier in the Army. When you hold a significant position for an extended period of time, it is not one that you easily forget. Therefore, I hoped to utilize the knowledge I gain through the Elliott School and the Security Policy Studies program to further enhance my current understanding of national, international, and transnational security while gaining new knowledge as to how our government develops policies for particular issues or problems encountered.

What skills do you hope to pick up/develop at the Elliott School?

While I do intend on developing my understanding of international affairs and how our government operates, the skills I hope to progress the most include my ability to speak publicly, my ability to conduct meaningful research utilizing the tools and resources the Elliott School will provide me access to, ***time management, and lastly, but certainly not least, I would like to further develop my ability to speak competently about subjects that are very significant to our nation’s current and future position in the global arena.

 What’s on your summer bucket list before coming to the Elliott School?

My summer bucket list before going to the Elliott School consists of, like many of my fellow students, saving every penny I can muster so that I can move my household goods in a timely and efficient manner into my new apartment that, fingers crossed, I am approved for. Once I settle down, I intend on exploring the Washington D.C. area a little bit (I was told the food options compare to those in NYC), reconnect with early childhood friends who still live in the DMV region, continue researching internship and job opportunities and maybe, attend a few of the many job fairs I frequently receive notifications about.

If you could recommend one city outside of the US that people should visit, which city would you recommend and why?

I get asked this question all the time, and it never gets easier. But if I to choose just ONE city outside of the US that people should visit, it would definitely be Luxor, the location of the Valley of the Kings and ancient Thebes to the Greeks in Egypt. It is absolutely stunning and is one of the best and most well-preserved outdoor museums anywhere on the planet.

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The #IncomingElliott profile series is managed by the Elliott School Office of Graduate Admissions and highlights newly enrolling students to answer common questions posed by prospective and current students. For more information on this series or to submit questions, e-mail the Office of Graduate Admissions at esiagrad@gwu.edu.

The views expressed by students profiled do not necessarily represent those of organizations they work for, are affiliated with, or the Elliott School of International Affairs.