#ElliottProud: Lindsay North

Blog_ #EP North Lindsay North, MA International Development Studies, #ElliottProud Alumni

Lindsay North graduated from Trinity College in 2006 with a BA in English/Creative Writing. A circuitous path via publishing, advertising, New York City and South Africa led her to the International Development Studies program at the Elliott School, which she graduated from in 2012. During grad school, she interned at MSI on the DG Analytics team, which turned into a full-time position after she graduated. Lindsay spent several years with MSI in DC and then in Pakistan, and was then recruited by DAI to join their USAID/OTI program there. After four years in Pakistan, she’s now back in the US and working with DAI remotely from Portland, OR. She provides M&E, research, and technical support to their portfolio of CVE, conflict, and stabilization programming.

Describe your current position and what are your primary responsibilities?

I currently work as a Global Practice Specialist within the Center for Secure and Stable States (CS3) at DAI. My focus is on M&E, program design, and research in VE- and conflict-affected environments. 

What part of your experience at the Elliott School best prepared you for your current position? (Specific classes, student orgs, career development office, etc.)

All of it! The practical focus of the program was a huge asset—I gained a foundational understanding of program design, qualitative research methodologies, and how to build a logframe, among other things. Colleagues who had graduated from other programs didn’t usually have those skill sets when they first started. I also liked the option to take classes at other schools with GWU. The Capstone was an incredible experience, both in terms of working with a client and the fieldwork component. I had fantastic professors as well—I’m looking at you, Professor Roberts and Professor Fink!

How does what you’re doing now compare to what you thought you would be doing when you first started your program at the Elliott School?

I thought I’d be focused on education, and conflict/CVE was not on my radar at all. However, I interned at MSI on the Democracy and Governance Analytics team and it was fascinating. I also had an amazing boss in Lynn Carter, who became a mentor and friend. That led me to pivot from my initial focus on education, to look more specifically at issues of education in conflict-affected environments, and then youth empowerment in conflict settings. I joined MSI full-time after I graduated where I worked on more CVE- and conflict-related projects, which led me out to Pakistan, and then I ended up staying there for four years.

If you would be any type of food/drink, what food/drink would you be?

Pho ga.

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The #ElliottProud profile series is managed by the Elliott School Office of Graduate Admissions and highlights graduate program alumni to answer common questions posed by prospective, incoming, and current students. For more information on this series or to submit questions, e-mail the Office of Graduate Admissions at esiagrad@gwu.edu.

The views expressed by students profiled do not necessarily represent those of organizations they work for, are affiliated with, or the Elliott School of International Affairs.